Sent to kill one of your own...
After a nuclear incident in Pakistan, two Canadian Intelligence Service agents disappear during a covert operation in South Korea. They end up in a prison camp in North Korea, where they are being tortured so they can reveal top secret intelligence.
CIS sends in their best spy masters, Justin Hall and Carrie O'Connor, fresh off a terrorist-hunting mission in Syria. Their orders are clear: infiltrate the most hostile nation in the world. Their objective is like nothing they have faced before: assassinate the two captured agents, one of whom is Justin's close friend.
Justin and Carrie consider their allegiances and consequences of their operation, as they join forces with a North Korean defector and two MI6 agents familiar with the treacherous terrain. As new intelligence complicates their already nearly impossible mission, it is now a race against time to reach the captured agents before it is too late...
★★★★★ "...can Justin bring everyone home or will this be the mission that ends it all? Be prepared for yet another suspense-filled mission as Justin tries to get to the truth."
★★★★★ "A tightly woven plot, with Justin and Carrie at the helm. A smashing thriller."
★★★★★ "Captivating. . ."
The Justin Hall Series
Ethan Jones confirms his spot as one of the best-selling assassination espionage thriller writers today with this adrenaline-filled spy thriller, the fifth novel in the popular Justin Hall series. With hundreds of five-star reviews and thousands of sales and downloads. Each book is a self-contained story without cliffhangers and can be enjoyed on its own.
If you like Baldacci, Fleming, or Flynn, you'll love Rogue Agents.
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