If you're preparing for this all-important exam, GED Test For Dummies with Online Practice gets you up and running on everything you can expect on test day, from overviews of the test sections to invaluable reviews and test-taking strategies for all the subjects covered—and everything in between.
In the book, you'll find hands-on, digestible information for navigating your way through the Language Arts/Reading and Writing Tests, Social Studies Test, Mathematics Test, and Science Test. Whether you're looking to perfect your grammar and punctuation skills, get familiar with the types of fiction and nonfiction passages you'll encounter, take the fear out of math and science, put the social in your studies, or answer multiple-choice questions with confidence, this unintimidating guide makes it easy to score higher and pass this vital exam.
The accompanying online experience helps you further your skills by providing practice questions with answers and full explanations
It's all at your fingertips! Prepare for the test, improve your chances of success, and increase your earning power and job prospects with the help of GED Test For Dummies with Online Practice